Pest Control
Small insects and rodents can enter your house through the nearly imperceptible cracks and spaces in your house or building. Spray foam will keep pests of all kinds out by filling in all the empty space within your walls. Keep those unwanted house guests out!
Did you know that as much as 20% of your home’s total heat loss occurs through your basement? This can cause your monthly heating bill to be unnecessarily high, create warm or cold spots throughout your home, and even harbour potentially dangerous mould and mildew spores. At Reitzel Insulation, we know how important proper basement insulation is in Mississauga and the surrounding areas. We can provide professional insulation services for your basement as part of new construction or as a renovation of your current home. Call us today to learn more about your options and take another step towards finishing your basement construction.
Contact Us
If you have questions about spray foam insulation or any of the Reitzel products or services, please contact us right away-- we'd love to hear from you! We service areas in Kitchener-Waterloo, Hamilton, GTA, and throughout Ontario. And remember, as, with all of our services, our spray foam insulation installation service includes rigorous clean-up processes to ensure that the job is returned to its original state upon completion.