Best Insulation Contractors in Kitchener-Waterloo
When looking for the best insulation contractor in the Kitchener Waterloo area, consider Reitzel Insulation. Experience is important when choosing an insulation contractor. Reitzel Insulation has over 45 years of experience by completing over 100,000 projects in Kitchener - Waterloo. We have the expertise, tools and know-how to handle any and all types of jobs. Our teams are trained with the latest tools and techniques for the many different types of insulation/fireproofing products on the market.

Green Initiatives in Kitchener-Waterloo
The Kitchener-Waterloo area has had a long history of commitment to the environment and better management of resources. Among the green initiatives begun in this region is the “Blue Box” that made regular recycling more accessible to households first in Kitchener-Waterloo, and then spread throughout Ontario, Canada, and now more than 40 million households around the world. Today, individuals, corporations, and municipal governments of this beautiful part of Southwestern Ontario continue to search out and support ways to create thriving, sustainable communities through a variety of environmental initiatives. Our insulation contractors in Kitchener-Waterloo can help.

Home Renovation Rebates
We are proud to be part of Kitchener-Waterloo’s leadership in eco-friendly practices. We are an authorized renovation service provider in the Enbridge Gas Home Reno Rebate program which pays you back up to $2500 on renovation costs, including up to $500 in assessment costs.
Reitzel Insulation Services in Waterloo
Attic Insulation & Crawl Space Services
When it comes to energy loss in a home, among the biggest culprits is the attic. Insulating an attic, roof, and crawl spaces are a great way to improve the overall energy efficiency of a home. At Reitzel Insulation, we’ve been offering roof, attic, and crawl space insulation services to Waterloo, Kitchener and the surrounding areas for years. We’ve helped our clients experience the benefits of attic installation and we can help you, too!
Insulation Costs
If you have questions about our insulation services, please contact us right away. We would love to hear from you! We have over 45 years of experience and stand behind the work we do. Contact us today to receive a free estimate.